
Edwin Morgan

starryveldt. frauenfeld / schweiz: eugen gomringer press o. J. (= konkrete poesie 9)

The Horseman's Word. A sequence of concrete poems. Preston: Akros o. J. (= Parklands Poets No. 5)

The Second Life. Selected Poems of Edwin Morgan. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 1968

Twelve Songs. o. 0., The Castlelaw Press 1970

Z00 + RAINBOW, in: Stereo Headphones. Kersey, near Ipswich 1971, No. 4, spring

Comments Flying Southwards (on text treatment). (Treated) Found Poems & Ten Newspoems, in: Stereo Headphones. Kersey, near Ipswich 1974, No. 6, summer, S. 38

(Morgan, Edwin:) Maurice Lindsay: MORGAN, Edwin (George), in: Contemporary Poets. Ed. by James Vinson. London, New York 1975, S. 1077-1080 [581]

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