
Dick Higgins

a) Buch- und Zeitschriftenveröffentlichungen

Jefferson's Birthday / Postface. New York: Something Else Press 1964

foewgombwhnw / a grammer of the mind and a phenomenology of love and a science of the arts as seen by a stalker of the wild mushroom. New York, Barton, Cologne: Something Else Press 1969 /= freeked out electronic wizards & other marvelous bartenders who have no wings/

A Book About Love & War & Death. San Francisco: The Nova Broadcast Press 1969 (= Nova Broadcast Series, No 3)

Computers for the Arts. Somerville, Mass.: Abyss Publ. 1970

Die Fabelhafte Geträume Von Taifun Willi / sections in crazy german also by Dick Higgins / decor by Bern Porter. Somerville, Mass.: Abyss Publ. 1970

City with all the Angles, a radio play. West Glover, Vt.: Unpublished Ed. 1974

classic plays. new york, barton: unpublished editions 1976

George Herbert's Pattern Poems. West Glover, Vt., New York. N. Y.: Unpublished Editions 1977

A Dialectic of Centuries. Notes Towards a Theory of the New arts. New York, Barton: Printed Editions 1978

some recent snowflakes (and other things). new york, ny and west glover, vt: printed editions 1979

Selected Early Works 1955-64. Berlin: edition ARS VIVA 1982

Intermedia. Games of Art. Intending, in: Something Else Newsletter. new York 1966, Vol. 1, No. 1-3

Does Avant Garde Mean Anything?, in: Arts in Society. Madison, Wisc. 1970, Vol. 7, No. 1, S. 28-31

The Utility of Music (an Outline), in: Ear magazine. New York 1975, Vol. 1, No. 5, oct., o. Pag. [527]

Eine Dritte Heutliche Deutliche Sprache, in: Ausgabe. Berlin 1976, Nr. 2, Sept., S. 21-26

Two pieces, + An Exemplativist Manifesto, in: RAWZ. London 1977, No. 1, o. P.

On Reading Finnegans Wake Nonstop Aloud (essay), in: Ear Magazine. New York 1977, Vol. 3, No. 5, summer, o. Pag.

A Fluxessay for a Few of my Fluxfriends /Fluxus-Texte/, in: Freibord. Wien 1981/82, 6. Jg., Nr. 26, Winter, S. 23-26

In einem Minensuchboot um die Welt, in: René Block, Anne Marie Freybourg ( 1962 WiesbadenFLUXUS 1982. Eine kleine Geschichte von Fluxus in drei Teilen /Ausstellungskatalog/. Wiesbaden, Berlin 1983, S. 126-135

/Beitrag/, in: The Spirit of Fluxus. Drei Konzerte im Amerikahaus Berlin 1983 /Programmheft/. Berlin 1983

Some thoughts on Intermedia Poetry. Barrytown, New York, 4 January 1983, in: Françoise Janicot: Poésie en action. Issy-les-Moulineaux 1984, S. 63-66

Pattern Poetry und andere Vorläufer der modernen Visuellen Poesie, in: Bildende Kunst. Berlin/DDR 1989, Nr. 11, S. 27

Higgins, Dick: Le golem dans le texte, in: Vincent Barras, Nicholas Zurbrugg (Hg.): POESIES SONORES. Genf: Editions Contrechamps 1992, S. 23-25

b) Sekundärliteratur

Chase, Gilbert: New Contents for old shells /zu: "foew & ombwhnw" by Higgins/, in: Arts in Society. Madison, Wisc. 1970, Vol. 7, No. 2, S. 251-257

Frank, Peter: Something Else Press. an annotated bibliography. o. 0. McPherson & Company 1983, A Socument Publication

Kostelanetz, Richard: Dick Higgins (1976), in: ders.: The Old Poetries and the New. Ann Arbor 1981, S. 242-244

Minarelli, Enzo: E.M. intervista Dick Higgins, in: Metro. Firenze 1987, Nr. 28

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